
New Release: Caution To The Wind by Giana Darling

Review: One Season With The Duke by Addy Du Lac

Blog Tour: Heated by Naima Simone

HADES: Stephanie and the Ruthless Mogul by Theodora Taylor is now LIVE! @valentine_pr_

Be With Me by @AuthorSamYoung is now LIVE! @valentine_pr_ #newrelease #readnow

It Takes a Villa by @kilbyblades is now LIVE! @valentine_pr_

@AuthorSamYoung has revealed the gorgeous cover for Be With Me, releasing July 12, 2022! Pre-order today on all platforms! @valentine_pr_

HADES: Stephanie and the Merciless Reaper by Theodora Taylor is now LIVE! @valentine_pr_

Theodora Taylor has revealed the cover for HADES: Stephanie and the Merciless Reaper, releasing April 26, 2022! @valentine_pr_

@gianadarlingauthor has revealed the cover for Caution to the Wind, releasing April 29, 2022! Pre-order today @valentine_pr_