Teaser Blast: In A Jam by @kcanterbary on August 17, 2022 ContemporaryRomance GreysPromo InAJam JiltedBride KateCanterbury MarriageOfConvenience ReturningToHometown RomanticComedy SingleParent SlowBurn SmallTown StartingOver TeaserBlast +
Author @kcanterbary has revealed the cover for In a Jam, releasing August 30, 2022! on July 29, 2022 ContemporaryRomance CoverReveal GreysPromo InAJam JiltedBide KateCanterbury RomanticComedy SatrtingOver SingleParent SlowBurn SmallTownRomance +
The Worst Guy by @kcanterbary is now LIVE! @greyspromo on December 28, 2021 ARCreview BookReview ContemporaryRomance EroticRomance ForcedProximity GreysPromo KateCanterbury NewRelease TheWorstGuy WorkplaceRomance +
Teaser Blast: The Worst Guy by Kate Canterbury @kcanterbary @greyspromo on December 07, 2021 ContemporaryRomance EroticRomance ForcedProximity GreysPromo HateToLove KateCanterbury TeaserBlast TheWorstGuy WorkplaceRomance +