HIS RULE, the first book in the Rite trilogy, by @NatashaKnight13 & @AZavarellibooks is NOW AVAILABLE!! @candikanepr on April 26, 2022 A.Zavarelli CandiKanePR CaptiveRomance DarkMafiaRomance HisRule NatashaKnight NewRelease NowAvailable ReleaseBlitz ScretSociety +
HIS RULE, the first book in the Rite trilogy, by @NatashaKnight13 & @AZavarellibooks is coming 4/26! @candikanepr on April 20, 2022 A.Zavarelli CandiKanePR CaptiveRomance ComingSoon CoverReveal HisRule MafiaRomance NatashaKnight PreOrder SecretSociety TheRiteTrilogy +