New Release: Manic Mayhem by @landisnikkiauth on April 27, 2023 AgeGap CrimeFiction ForcedProximity GiveMeBooksPR KindleBooks ManicMayhem MCRomance NewBooks NewRelease NikkiLandis RomanticSuspense RoyalBastardsMC StandAlone TheMayhemMakers VigilanteJustice +
The Specialist by @MorelandMelanie is now LIVE! on January 19, 2023 ARCreview BookReview HeroineinDanger Mafia MelanieMoreland MenOfHiddenJustice NewRelease Protector ReadNow TheSpecialist TragicPast ValentinePR VigilanteJustice +
The Watcher by @MorelandMelanie is now LIVE! on September 15, 2022 AlphaHero Bodyguard ContemporaryRomance HeroineinDanger Kidnapped MelanieMoreland MenOfHiddenJustice NewRelease Protector RomanticSuspense ValentinePR VigilanteJustice +
@MorelandMelanie has revealed the cover for The Watcher, releasing September 15, 2022! on August 08, 2022 ContemporaryRomance CoverReveal MelanieMoreland MenOfHiddenJustice RomanticSuspense TheWatcher ValentinePR VigilanteJustice +
Second-in-Command by @morelandmelanie is now LIVE! @greyspromo on November 11, 2021 ContemporaryRomance EscapingAKiller ForcedProximity GreysPromo HeroineinDanger MelanieMoreland MenOfHiddenJustice NewRelease ReadNow RomanticSuspense Second-In-Command SecretSociety VigilanteJustice +
Teaser: Second-In-Command by Melanie Moreland @morelandmelanie @greyspromo on October 27, 2021 AlphaHero ContemporaryRomance EscapingAKiller ForcedProximity HeroineinDanger MelanieMoreland MenOfHiddenJustice Protector RomanticSuspense Second-In-Command SecretSociety TragicPast VigilanteJustice +
The Boss by Melanie Moreland @morelandmelanie @greyspromo on October 14, 2021 ARCreview BookReview Contemporary ForcedProximity GreysPromo HeroineinDanger MelanieMoreland MenOfHiddenJustice NewRelease Protector ReadNow Revenge RomanticSuspense TheBoss VigilanteJustice +
Teaser Blast: The Boss by Melanie Moreland @GreysPromo on September 30, 2021 ContemporaryRomance EscapingAKiller ForcedProximity HeroineinDanger MelanieMoreland MenOfHiddenJustice OnTheRun Protestor Revenge RomanticSuspense TeaserBlast TheBoss TragicPast VigilanteJustice +