ACE OF DIAMONDS, the third, and final, book in the Wonderland trilogy, by @AltaHensley is NOW AVAILABLE!! on October 05, 2022 AceOfDiamonds AltaHensley ARCreview BillionaireRomance BlogTour BookReview CandiKanePR NewRelease Protector TheWonderlandTrilogy VirginRomance +
Coming Soon: Ace Of Diamonds by Alta Hensley on September 29, 2022 AceOfDiamonds AdultRomance AlphaHero AltaHensley AntiHero Billionaire ComingSoon ContemporaryRomance DarkRomance EnemiesToLovers FairytaleRetelling ForcedProximity Teaser ValentinePR +
Excerpt Reveal: ACE OF DIAMONDS, the third, and final, book in the Wonderland trilogy, by @AltaHensley is 10/4! on September 27, 2022 AceOfDiamonds AltaHensley BillionaireRomance CandiKanePR ComingSoon ExcerptReveal PreOrder VirginRomance WonderlandTrilogy +
ACE OF DIAMONDS, the third, and final, book in the Wonderland trilogy, by @AltaHensley is October 4th! @candikanepr on August 26, 2022 AceOfDiamonds AltaHensley BillionaireRomance CandiKanePR ComingSoon CoverReveal PreOrder TheWonderlandTrilogy VirginRomance +