Release Blitz: Among The Heather by Samantha Young on December 05, 2023 AmongTheHeather CloseProximity ContemporaryRomance EnemiesToLovers NewRelease ReadNow ReleaseBlitz RomanticSuspense SamanthaYoung SmallTown StartingOver TorturedLead TragicPast ValentinePR +
@kennedyrwrites has revealed the gorgeous cover for This Could Be Us, releasing March 5, 2024! on October 06, 2023 BoyFallsFirst CoverReveal FriendsToLovers KennedyRyan SecretRomance StartingOver ThisCouldBeUs ValentinePR +
In a Jam by @kcanterbary is LIVE! on September 20, 2022 ContemporaryRomance GreysPromo InAJam JiltedBride KateCanterbary MarriageOfConvenience NewRelease ReadNow ReturningToHometown RomanticComedy SingleParent SlowBurn SmallTownRomance StartingOver +
Teaser Blast: In A Jam by @kcanterbary on August 17, 2022 ContemporaryRomance GreysPromo InAJam JiltedBride KateCanterbury MarriageOfConvenience ReturningToHometown RomanticComedy SingleParent SlowBurn SmallTown StartingOver TeaserBlast +
It Takes a Villa by @kilbyblades is now LIVE! @valentine_pr_ on May 24, 2022 ChickLit FixerUpper ForeignCountry InterracialRomance ItTakesAVilla KilbyBlades NewRelease StartingOver ValentinePR WomensFiction +