New Release: Wrath by Cala Riley on January 27, 2024 AlphaHero CalaRiley DarkRomance KindleUnlimited LotusMC MCRomance NewRelease ReadMoreBooks RomanceBooks RomanceReaders SmutBooks Wrath +
Wrath by @evacharles37 is LIVE! on August 10, 2023 ARCreview ASinfulEmpire BillionaireRomance BookReview Contemporary DarkRomance Erotic EvaCharles GreysPromo NewRelease ReleaseBlitz RomanticSuspense Wrath +
Teaser Blast: Wrath by Eva Charles on August 04, 2023 AgeGap Angsty AntiHero ASinfulEmpire Billionaire Contemporary DarkRomance Erotic EvaCharles ForbiddenLove GreysPromo HeroineinDanger RomanticSuspense SecondChance TeaserBlast TragicPast Wrath +
@evacharles37 has revealed the covers for Pride and Wrath! on April 14, 2023 AgeGap BillionaireRomance CoverReveal DarkRomance EroticRomance EvaCharles ForbiddenLove GreysPromo Pride RomanticSuspense Wrath +