@kennedyrwrites has revealed the gorgeous cover for This Could Be Us, releasing March 5, 2024! on October 06, 2023 BoyFallsFirst CoverReveal FriendsToLovers KennedyRyan SecretRomance StartingOver ThisCouldBeUs ValentinePR +
Block Shot by @kennedyrwrites is now LIVE! on September 20, 2023 BlockShot BloomBooks ContemporaryRomance HoopSeries KennedyRyan NowAvailableinPaperback SecondChance ValentinePR +
The Rebel King by @kennedyrwrites is now LIVE and the duology is complete! on June 28, 2023 AgeGap Angsty Billionaire ForbiddenLove HeroineinDanger Interracial KennedyRyan NewRelease ReadNow SoulMate StarCrossedLovers TheRebelKing ValentinePR +
Review: I Let Go by Kennedy Ryan on November 22, 2022 BeforeILetGo ContemporaryRomance Forever KennedyRyan NetGalley NetGalleyRequest SecondChanceRomance +