Jasper Vale by Devney Perry is now LIVE! on January 31, 2023 ARCreview BookReview ContemporaryRomance DevneyPerry FakeRelationship JasperVale NewRelease ReadNow SmallTown TheEdens ValentinePR +
Promise Me Always by @aljacksonauthor is now LIVE! on January 30, 2023 A.L.Jackson CloseProximity FakeRelationship FriendsToLovers GrumpySunshine PromiseMeAlways RedemptionHills SingleParent ValentinePR +
Sinful Vows by Lilian Harris is now LIVE! @greyspromo on January 30, 2023 ARCreview BillionaireRomance BookReview DarkRomance EnemiesToLovers ForcedProximity GreysPromo LillianHarris MafiaRomance NewRelease SinfulVows SingleParent +
Review: Blush by Helen Hardt on January 30, 2023 5StarRead ARCreview BDSM BlackRose Blush BookReview ContemporaryRomance EntangledPublishing Erotica HelenHardt +
Sunday Post No. 57 on January 29, 2023 BooksIRead BooksIReviewed CurrentlyReading NextToRead SundayPost TheCaffeinatedReviewer ThisWeek WhatIRead +
Letting Go at 40 by Laura Dunbar is LIVE! on January 26, 2023 ARCreview FriendsToLovers GreysPromo L.B.Dunbar LakesideCottageSeries LettingGoAt40 LoveOver40 NewRelease OlderHeroin SecondChance SilverFoxRomance SlowBurn SmallTownRomance Widow WomensFiction +
Kenji by Cala Riley is LIVE! on January 26, 2023 AgeGap ARCreview BookReview CalaRiley EnemiesToLovers GreysPromo Kenji MafiaRomance NewRelease RomanticSuspense TheSyndicatesSeries WorkplaceRomance +
Blog Tour: Cusp Of Darkness by Olivia Preya on January 25, 2023 Adult BlogTour BookExcerpt CuspOfDarkness Mafia OliviaPreya Romance TheCuspSeries XpressoTours +
Filthy Sinner by @SerenaAkeroyd #FivePointsMob https://bit.ly/3jAfwFl on January 24, 2023 DarkAndDirtySinnersMC DarkRomance FilthySinner FivePointsMob GiveMeBooksPR MafiaRomance MarriageOfConvenience MCRomance SerenaAkeroyd +
Review: Forever Bound by Jessica Dall on January 23, 2023 ARCreview BookReview ContemporaryRomance EntangledPublishing ForeverBound JessicaDall +
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