Book Blitz: Curses And Chaos by Annie Anderson on May 24, 2023 Adult AnnieAnderson ArcaneSoulsWorld BookBlitz BookExcerpt CursesAndChaos Paranormal TheLostWitch UrbanFantasy XpressoTours +
An Armored Heart by RC Boldt is now LIVE! on May 23, 2023 AnArmoredHeart ARCreview Billionaire BookReview CloseProximity EnemiesToLovers FakeDating FoundFamily Grumpy/Sunshine OppositesAttract RCBoldt ValentinePR +
Release Blitz: An Armored Heart by RC Boldt on May 23, 2023 AnArmoredHeart ARCreview ContemporaryRomance EnemiesToLovers FakeDating ForcedProximity GiveMeBooksPR Grumpy/Sunshine OppositesAttract ReleaseBlitz +
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Review: The Last Lord Standing by Diana Lloyd on May 22, 2023 ARCreview BookReview DianaLloyd Entangled:Amara HistoryRomance TheLastLordStanding +
EMPIRE OF LIES, book 2 of The Torrio Empire Series, by @AuthorJLBeck is NOW LIVE!! on May 19, 2023 AgeGap BestFriendsDad BillionaireRomance CandiKanePR EmpireOfLies J.L.Beck MafiaRomance NewAdultRomance NewRelease TheTorrioEmpireSeries +
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Review: The Captain's Curse by Lisa Kessler on May 17, 2023 5StarRead ARCreview BookReview EntangledPublishing LisaKessler TheCaptain'sCurse +
Chapel Bend by Kristen Proby is now LIVE! on May 16, 2023 BestFriendsSibling ChapelBend EnemiesToLovers GrumpySunshine HuckleberryBaySeries KristenProby ReleaseBlitz SmallTownRomance SoulMate ValentinePR +
Dirty Billionaires: A Dark Romance Anthology is LIVE! on May 16, 2023 AgeGap BillionaireRomance DarkRomance EnemiesToLovers ForbiddenLove ForcedProximity GreysPromo HeroineinDanger MafiaRomance NewAdultRomance NewRelease VirginHeroine +