🔥🔥TEASER BLAST🔥🔥: Ink by Sadie Rose on March 31, 2023 Bookish BookishLove ComingSoon Ebooks Ink LoveReading MustRead OfficeRomance RomanceNovels SadieRose TeaserBlast WildfireMarketingSolutions +
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@AuthorTLouise has revealed the covers for A Little Taste, releasing April 13, 2023! on March 30, 2023 AgeGap ALittleTaste CoverReveal GrumpySunshine ReturningToHometown RomanticSuspense SingleParentRomance SmallTownRomance TiaLouise WorkplaceRomance +
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Cover Reveal: Broken Dreams by Abbie Roads on March 27, 2023 AbbieRoads Adult BeautifulNightmare BrokenDreams CoverReveal DarkRomance Romance +
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NOW LIVE! Thorns of Love by Eva Winners is available now + FREE to read in Kindle Unlimited! on March 24, 2023 ARCreview BookReview DarkRomance EvaWinners GiveMeBooksPR KindleBooks MafiaRomance NowAvailable RomanticSuspense SurprisePregnancy THornsOfLove ThornsOfOmerta +
Melanie Harlow has revealed the gorgeous cover for Runaway Love, releasing May 4, 2023! on March 24, 2023 BossEmployee CherryTreeHarbor CoverReveal GrumpySunshine MelanieHarlow Nanny PreOrderNow RomCom RunawayBride RunawayLove SingleDad SmallTownRomance ValentinePR +