Book Blitz: A Viscount For The Spinster by Samantha Holt on July 31, 2023 Adult AViscountForTheSpinster BookBlitz BookExcerpt Historical Romance SamanthaHolt SpinstersAndRebels XpressoTours +
@kaciroseauthor has revealed the cover for Take Me To The Edge, releasing October 24, 2023! on July 28, 2023 ContemporaryRomance CoverReveal ForcedProximity GreysPromo GrumpySunshine KaciRose MountainMenOfWhiskeyRiver SmallTown TakeMeToTheEdge WoundedHero +
Review: The Rebel King by Gina L. Maxwell on July 27, 2023 ARCreview BDSM BookReview DeviantKingsSeries EntangledPublishing Fae Fantasy GinaL.Maxwell Magic NetGalley ParanormalRomance TheRebelKing +
Review: Taming The White Wolf by N.J. Walters on July 26, 2023 ARCreview BookReview Entangled:Amara EntangledPublishing N.J.Walters NetGalley Paranormal Review Romance Shapeshifters TamingTheWhiteWolf +
Book Blitz: Watch Your Back by Stacy Claflin on July 25, 2023 Adult ArianaJones BookBlitz BookExcerpt StacyClaflin Thriller WatchYourBack XpressoTours +
Melanie Harlow has revealed the gorgeous cover for Hideaway Heart, releasing August 7, 2023! on July 24, 2023 CherryTreeHarbor CountryMusicSuperstar CoverReveal ForcedProximity HeroineinDanger HideawayHeart MelanieHarlow OneBed Protector SmallTown ValentinePR +
Sunday Post No. 72 on July 23, 2023 CurrentlyReading ReadingNext SundayPost TheCaffeinatedReviewer ThisWeek WhatIRead +
Review: One Season With The Duke by Addy Du Lac on July 21, 2023 AddyDuLac ARCreview EntangledPublishing HistoricalRomance InterracialRomance MarriageOfConvenience Review. OneSeasonWithTheDuke +
Book Blitz: Take The Honey And Run by Jennie Marts on July 20, 2023 ABeeKeepingMystery Adult BookBlitz BookExcerpt Comedy JennieMarts Mystery TakeTheHoneyAndRun XpressoTours +