
Villainous Kingpin by @EvaWinners Can they rule together, without tearing each other apart?

Teaser Reveal: He only wanted one thing… Me. Submitting to his darkest demands. Corrupted Pleasure by @EvaWinners

#TEASERREVEAL #PREORDER She’ll bring this ruthless man to his knees. Alexei by @EvaWinners #BellesandMobsters

Teaser Reveal: Alexei by @EvaWinners

Darkly Ever After: An Organized Crime Anthology @darklyeverafter @givemebookspr

Teaser Reveal: Sins Of The Orchid by @EvaWinners @GiveMeBooksPR

Alexei by @EvaWinners #BellesandMobsters

Teaser Reveal: Sins of The Orchid by Eva Winners

Ranger Danger by @authorlawayward #TEASERREVEAL #99c #PREORDER “Wow.... I have no words. What a story… Loved it. Loved it. Loved it.”

Teaser: Nico by @EvaWinners

Teaser Blast: Nico by Eva Winners

Teaser Reveal: Nico by Eva Winners @EvaWinners @GiveMeBooksPR