Sunday Post No.92


The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted by The Caffeinated Reviewer. It's a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and to showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join-in weekly, biweekly, or monthly. See the rules here Sunday Post Meme.

This Week
The heat has been unbearable. 
Okay, not every day just the days with high humidity. 
Not my favorite.
It makes everyday activities harder to get through.
Like cooking.

Currently Reading

Currently Listening

Currently Watching

Currently Eating

Apples with Peanut Butter

Currently Loving

Iced Coffee

What are you currently reading, listening to, watching, loving?

Have a Great Week!



  1. I can relate on the heat. It's been brutal in my area (northeast Florida). You now have me wishing I had an apple with peanut butter. :)

  2. Recently watched the If movie on disney plus really liked itt.. Gave me drop dead fred vibes but more for younger age children. My son who is 20 throughly enjoyed it since he seen drop dead fred he thought it was a good version. Reading a lot i joined fable which is a book club app so workiing on reading the ones the clubs i joined picked. Weather is hot hot here so glad we got a/c installed recnelty and don’t have the swamp cooler anymore. Have a great week.

    1. I love Drop dead fred, so I'll definitely need to check out If.

  3. I'm reading too many! LOL I'm drinking a bee's knees because several on my timeline posted it, but i had to add a a bunch of 7-Up, so I think I did it wrong ;)

  4. Yep, the heat has been the same here. It was over 100 degrees this weekend. Of course I was at work and hating every minute of it. :)


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