Review: Sworn by Maria Luis


We are excited to celebrate SWORN (Audiobook) by Maria Luis is LIVE!

Tattooed on my skin are the words, “Bow to no man.”
I live by them.
Die by them.
I’ve been on the run since my mother was killed right in front of me, hiding in the gritty underbelly of New Orleans. After a lifetime of being alone, the only thing I crave is revenge.
But I never anticipated Lincoln Asher.
From the moment we meet under a starless night sky, Lincoln looks at me like I’m already his.
He’s scarred and hard all over, but hot as sin when he holds my gaze.
I don’t trust anyone, least of all him.
He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing, I just know it, but that doesn’t lessen the temptation of surrender.
I bow to no man, save one.
And he will be my downfall...
Sworn is a dark age gap romance featuring morally grey characters, unhinged villains, and enough spice to light your kindle on fire. Lincoln and Avery's story concludes in Defied, which is now available.

My Review

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow, I initially forgot how hot these two were for each other.
The narrators were great and it made the reading experience pleasant.
I forgot that this ends in a cliffhanger! So hold on!
And Lincoln Asher is still a fave!

When she meets Sergeant Lincoln Asher, Avery is giving tarot readings in Jackson Square, New Orleans. She's been living under the radar and giving tarot readings makes it easier for her to gather information on her stepfather.

Lincoln Asher is a cop who has a rough past. He feels drawn to Avery and wonders why she's living in the shadows.

After helping Avery and another woman escape a group of menacing college guys, Lincoln gets suspended from work. His past is coming to collect and expects him to get his hands dirty once again.

Avery isn't sure if she should trust Lincoln.

When she's put in danger, Lincoln has no choice but to protect her.

Thank you so much to the author and Wildfire for this audiobook ARC to review.


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