What I Read February 2022


I read a total of 21 books in February.
5-Kindle Unlimited

I felt like I couldn't read at my normal reading pace last month. Every book seemed to take a little longer to finish. Everyone in the reading community has been talking about reading slumps, so I guess this was mine. 

I realize I never set a goal for the Audiobook Challenge and I think since this is my first time I'm just going to see how many I can actually get through this year. Then I be able to set a goal for next year.

So Audio Challenge so far: 
Jan. 3
Feb. 0

Did you notice I slapped hearts on some of the body parts? 
I have to censor them in some way for TikTok otherwise my video might get flagged.

You can see that here: my TikTok, if you'd like.


  1. You sure read a lot in February. I read Not the Witch You Wed and really enjoyed it.

  2. I'm amazed at how many books you finished last month! Hope you have a great reading month in March too!


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