After Dark With The Duke by Julie Anne Long @avonbooks @JulieAnneLong


After Dark with the Duke by Julie Anne Long
My rating: 4 of 5 stars πŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸ

I jumped into this series even though I hadn't read the other books in the series.
I was not expecting this to be as emotional as it made me feel. It did take me a few chapters to really get into the story. James felt like he was beyond the usual grumpy hero. So much so that I really doubted these two getting together.

When they finally do get together, it's very passionate until it grows to be more.

This was my first Julie Anne Long and it won't be my last.

Mariana arrives at the Grand Palace on the Thames under the cover of night, having just fled a mob eager to bring down the "Harlot of Haywood Street". The ladies who run the inn are sure they can help restore her reputation and draw patrons to their establishment by offering an exclusive show with the infamous opera singer.

General James Blackmore, the Duke of Valkirk, is a legendary war hero. Some find him cold and very proper but nobody really knows him. Until he clashes with Mariana, someone who represents all the things he detests. And when she pushes back against his scorn it only adds to the attraction he feels.

They are forced to spend time together while he tutors her in Italian as a form of apology. Their attraction grows the more time they spend together both knowing it will go nowhere.

Thanks so much to Avon and NetGalley for this ARC to review.

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